Reviews on extended warranties: What you need to know

Did you ever feel that reading car warranty reviews was like trying crack the Da Vinci codes? You’re definitely not alone. I will guide you with some humor and plain talk to make it fun. See more!

Let’s first get the basics out of the way. Extended warranties for cars are meant to cover costs of repair after the manufacturer’s warranty expires. Sounds like a sweet deal, no? Be careful. The reviews contain horror stories ranging from endless telephone loops to claim claims not being processed. Imagine that you need help for your car, but they aren’t as responsive when you ask them to come. Frustrating!

Imagine: you’ve bought your dream automobile. It’s stylish, flashy, and turns heads. Next, you start thinking of the miles you will rack up and the wear-and-tear that comes with it. An extended guarantee seems like a smart idea. When you read reviews you are expecting assurance. Instead, you will find an ocean of mixed feelings. Some people are singing like they found the Golden Ticket. Others? It’s hard to find a vehicle that grumbles louder than one in need of a replacement muffler.

This is an interesting nugget. Joe from Idaho — this is true — left a customer review in which his warranty company was compared to his mother. It’s quite colorful. He said that they are always there, but never when you need to use them. This made me laugh.

You should always read all the small print when you’re reading through contracts. In reading through reviews, a lot of people complained about “exclusions.” They are the little bits that some companies love hiding in the footnotes. Imagine buying chocolate cake only to learn that it’s just the frosting. A surprise party is the last thing anyone wants. The future headaches can be avoided by reading every clause. Future you will thank me.

The next step is to talk about cost. On the Internet, “hidden fee” appears as often and as often in internet discussions as cats. A reviewer joked that “I paid more hidden costs for the part than I did to buy it.” The experience was similar to being stuck in a game of whack-a mole, only with my wallet.

You will inevitably come across Captain Obvious giving opinions like, “best warranties ever!” but with no substance. As a kid, my grandpa would say “If it seems too good-to-be true, chances are it is.” Take them a little salty.

Amidst the noise and confusion, you may find an honest response. The unexpected joy of finding a rare penny on the street is similar to finding one. These gems are full of details, ranging from customer service experiences to wait times for claims processing. It’s almost like getting an honest film review from a trusted friend instead of trusting the infamous tomato meter.

Oh, and just before I forgot, there is always that soul who rants on a totally unrelated subject, such as their cat’s hatred of their car. Entertaining, yes. Useful? Not really.

Let’s slow down for a bit. Be sure to check the credibility of each review before you begin this scavenger search. Few five-star reviews will shine, but if thousands of one star reviews litter the road, you’d be best to stay away. If you want to avoid a road skunk or a snake, then trust your intuition.

Extended warranty reviews include snippets, truths and stories of triumph or tragedy. You should approach it with an open, yet skeptical mind. Think of it as a jigsaw puzzle. Some pieces need to be adjusted, but others are perfect. So buckle up, get your homework done, and enjoy hunting through the review jungle. You’ve got it!

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