Register for Online Classes to Learn at Your Own Convenience

The days of long, boring lectures at institutes are over. It would be necessary to stand in long lines for registration forms and fill them out, then submit it again at the desk. There are now many cloud-based solutions that can streamline training and classes – continue reading?

Globally, educational institutions have turned to online solutions that manage classes in order to meet the demands of their students. Online solutions allow for organizations to conduct their training and classes in an organized, convenient manner. The online service allows institutions to reduce costs and administrative workload.

Cloud computing, the platform on which this software is built, automates all aspects of membership management and registration. This web-based service allows institutions to create, submit, and process registration forms electronically. They can also customize the web page by adding their institution’s logo. Registration is quick and easy for all attendees. Attendees can register at their own convenience as the service is available 24/7.

Online payments are convenient and easy. Payments are accepted via standard payment gateways or credit card. Payment options that are PCI-compliant are most secure.

Faculty can also keep track of their students using the online registration software. This allows them to streamline their online classes. The faculty can keep an eye not just on their screens but also on what is being done. They can use emailing to contact the students. This software can be used by institutions to evaluate and certify student performances. Online surveys are also available to measure the effectiveness of the program.

This web-based service has another benefit. Through the social media connector embedded in this web-based service, educators can streamline their classes across various social media platforms. The embedded social media connector allows faculty to interact with users from around the world and receive feedback about their training programs.

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